Alexis Leeper, LCSW
Trauma-informed Therapy for Adults and Teens in Texas
Do you struggle with persistent and troubling thoughts that cause you to worry? These worries may focus on past events or experiences, things you've said or done, or how others perceive you. You may be anxious about the future – wondering if your life will turn out as planned, who will be by your side, or what might happen. In some cases, you may experience anxious thoughts without any clear cause. Unfortunately, this happens to many of us and can even have a negative impact on our bodies. Do you experience increased heart rate or shallow breathing when you feel worried or anxious? Although this is a normal reaction, it can be an unsettling experience.
Perhaps you find yourself struggling to enjoy activities that used to bring you joy. Or questioning if you’ve made the “right” choices. Maybe you find yourself feeling chronically tired, unable to engage in activities or connect in your relationships in the same way. You may even find that your work or school performance has suffered because of low motivation, apathy, or fatigue. These feelings can take over your life and may be difficult to navigate alone.
You may find yourself feeling overwhelmed with emotions. You might feel nothing at all. Even more, you may find yourself vacillating between each extreme. Do others tell you you’re “too sensitive” or that you “overreact”? Do you find it difficult to regulate your emotional experiences or tolerate distress when you notice it? Perhaps others don’t seem to “get you” or “get it.” If you find yourself struggling to regulate your emotions – especially if you experience high alertness at times and total numbness at others for seemingly unknown reasons – this could be your body trying to send you a message.
Are you experiencing a constant battle with unwanted thoughts or memories that keep resurfacing in your mind? Are you having flashbacks or nightmares that are taking a toll on your mental health? Are you avoiding certain places that remind you of negative experiences or people? Do you have a negative self-perception, feel hopeless, or suffer from memory problems? Are you feeling detached from others, experiencing guilt or shame, or engaging in self-destructive behaviors? These are symptoms of trauma and can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, or background. These symptoms can be overwhelming and have a significant impact on your life.
As humans, we have all experienced a range of emotions throughout our lives, despite our different backgrounds. Our busy schedules don't always allow us enough time to rest, relax, restore, and enjoy ourselves and those around us. We often struggle to find time for ourselves, set boundaries, and enjoy well-deserved breaks outside of school or work. This takes a toll not only on our bodies but our brains, too!
I understand what it's like to feel constantly worried about things outside of your control. I also know what it feels like to feel hopeless and question if everything seems worth it. I believe that my own lived experience is a tool to facilitate deeper connections and empathy within the therapeutic relationship, and I would be honored for the opportunity to guide you toward unlocking the answers that I know are already within you. Together, we can create a life that allows you to thrive and find joy again. Reach out today to learn more.